Friday, December 4, 2009

SEC Championship Prediction

The time has come for these two teams to slug it out for a SEC crown but more importantly a trip to the National Championship. Let's do a little breaking down of the game..

Bama's oline vs the Gators D-line. Can Bama be able to handle the stunts and bull rushes of the best D-line in the nation? Can the Gators get over losing their best pass rusher? Bama's oline has to be able to pass protect for McElroy. Florida will put emphasis on shutting down Heisman hopeful Mark Ingram and making McElroy beat them with his arm. As for Florida, Jermaine Cunningham is as talented as Carlos Dunlap. Gator DC Charlie Strong will likely set up mismatches against the Bama oline.

Joe Haden vs Julio Jones- Julio has come on strong as of late and that's a good thing for Bama since they have struggled early in the passing game. Joe Haden is a very talented corner that will easily be a first round pick in the NFL. Look for Julio to try and get going on isolated coverage but Haden doesn't give up much if any yards.

Special Teams- This position may very well decide the game. The Gators don't give up any yards on punts. Literally, go look at the stats. However, like I mentioned earlier in the week Javier Arenas just isn't anybody. He has set NCAA records in punt returns. Look for Florida to kick away if they have to punt. The Gators have a dynamic returner in Brandon James and we know what he rings to the table.

Tim Tebow vs Rolando McClain- Two great competitors who have tremendous respect for each other will go head to head a few times. McClain will likely be a "spy" on third and short. We all know Tebow does his magic during this time and McClain knows first hand from last year's game.

Saban vs Meyer- Saban knows defense, Meyer knows offense. These two are the best in the business in what they do. It will be interesting to see what each has in store for one another. Saban usually gets revenge on the second shot and Meyer is just a big game coach in marquee games.

Final Prediction- Florida 24 Bama 20. I except another slugfest between this two. It hard to ignore the Tebow factor in big games. I think he again just wills the Gators to another SEC Championship......However, I will be glad to take my words back if Bama wins.

Have a good weekend!

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