Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rivalry reborn..

Well, the time has come for Lane Kiffin to back up his words that he first mentioned when he was brought on as the Vols headcoach. As you recall, he stirred things up by saying he vowed to end the program's four-game losing streak against Florida and sing "Rocky Top" all night long.
Don't forget he threw Urban Meyer under the bus back in February when he falsely accused Meyer of a recruiting violation. Florida athletic director Jeremy Foley rushed to Meyer's defense and called for an apology. SEC commissioner Mike Slive reprimanded Kiffin, who then issued an apology. Well of course this isn't acceptable to Timmy Tebow as yesterday he stated "I don't like anyone talking about coach [Urban] Meyer," Tebow said. "I try to not let it affect me, although I always have coach Meyer's back in anything because I know what type of person he is and I know what he believes in, I know what he stands for.
"But I don't think coach Meyer worried about it too much. I think we kind of dropped it or moved past it." While, Timmy sounds more like a 8 year old boy rushing to defend his daddy than his head coach, let it be known, Florida will be ready. This game is going to be fun..oh and by the way Florida has opened up as a 28.5 point favorite.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if we can get Meyer "mic'ed" up for the post game handshake. I would love to be a fly on the wall for that one...
